This post is about stuff that I find useful and surprisingly underrated. I’ll try to update this list once in a while, keeping only the most interesting things that:

  1. I discovered late in my life and felt like I should have found earlier ; or that
  2. I’ve been doing for a while but that a lot people around me don’t, prompting questions from their end or recommendations from mine.


  • Coat rack in the bedroom, to store used-but-clean clothes properly instead of dumping them on a chair
  • Small bath towels. They dry just as well, they take much less space so you can keep a pile of fresh ones (e.g. for your face) and wash them often
  • Shoe bench to store shoes cleanly and sit while wearing them. Combo if you also get a shoehorn!
  • Blackout curtains – a dark bedroom really improves sleep quality
  • Heating mattress pad, in particular if you sleep with a partner who prefers a warmer/colder bed
  • A comfortable bathrobe



  • Taking naps, e.g. 20 mins every day after lunch
  • Going for a walk every morning with some coffee and a book

Personal care


  • Get an extra laptop charger, choose USB-C devices when possible


  • If you go camping with a car, use a large inflatable mattress with a car-pluggable electric pump


  • Grayscale phone
  • RSS feeds (e.g. Feedly) and Pocket
  • Zotero and Obsidian
  • Firefox and its extensions