This cheatsheet contains all the commands that I use to manage my Python virtual environments with Conda. I also included some Pip commands at the bottom of the page.

Install Conda

wget && bash

Create a new environment

conda create -n myenv python=3.8

Clone an environment

conda create -n myclone --clone myenv

List all the Conda environments

conda env list

Delete an environment

conda deactivate myenv
conda remove -n myenv --all

Save and load an environment with Conda

  • Save the environment:
conda list --export > requirements.txt
  • Load the environment:
conda create --name myenv --file requirements.txt

Save and load an environment with Pip

If you created your environment with Conda, I recommend saving it with Conda because the output of pip freeze might contain the names of Conda packages that Pip will be unable to find later.

  • Save the environment:
pip freeze > requirements.txt
  • Load the environment:
pip install -r requirements.txt

Install a package in developper mode with Pip

pip install -e .